Ofra Yizhaq
Artist, Art Teacher, and Teacher-Trainer in the Bedouin Community
Ofra Yizhaq trains kindergarten teachers in the Arab-Bedouin community of the Negev in art education and developing creative thinking. A painter and drawer, she teaches after-school classes in painting and drawing for children and youth, as well as art classes for adults. She also designs spaces in educational institutions. Ofra is the owner of the “Sfat Midbar” art studio at Midreshet Ben-Gurion and leads creative arts workshops at the studio and in outdoors settings. In recent years, she has helped lead projects to improve aesthetics in Arab-Bedouin educational institutions, under the aegis of the “Desert Stars” nonprofit. Ofra was born in the Negev and lives at Midreshet Ben-Gurion.
Ofra Yizhaq trains kindergarten teachers in the Arab-Bedouin community of the Negev in art education and developing creative thinking. A painter and drawer, she teaches after-school classes in painting and drawing for children and youth, as well as art classes for adults. She also designs spaces in educational institutions. Ofra is the owner of the “Sfat Midbar” art studio at Midreshet Ben-Gurion and leads creative arts workshops at the studio and in outdoors settings. In recent years, she has helped lead projects to improve aesthetics in Arab-Bedouin educational institutions, under the aegis of the “Desert Stars” nonprofit. Ofra was born in the Negev and lives at Midreshet Ben-Gurion.
ציירת, מורה לציור ואמנות ומדריכת חינוך לאמנות לגננות בחברה הבדואית
, בתחום החינוך לאמנות ופיתוח חשיבה יצירתית. מדריכת חוגי ציור לילדים, נוער ומבוגרים. מעצבת חללים במוסדות חינוך וציירת. בעלת סטודיו לאמנות “שפת מדבר” במדרשת בן גוריון. מדריכת סדנאות אמנות ויצירה בסטודיו ובשטח. בשנים האחרונות עסקה בהובלת פרויקטים של שיפור הנראות (פלייסמקינג) במוסדות חינוך בחברה הערבית-בדואית, במסגרת עמותת “כוכבי המדבר”. מתגוררת במדרשת בן גוריון וילידת הנגב
מלמדת סדנאות באומנות